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Pigeon/crow decoying equipment

henry d

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Not wanting to post these due to size shape and weight, Perth area but I travel to Tyneside regularly (A1/A68-696ish).

3x Floaters/bouncers approx 2m with spreader arms £40

Magnet with 2x 1.3m arms £30 (arms are stuck at full extension and have been from the 2nd or 3rd time out)

10x cradles £10

Deben manual flapper £20

Magnet frame (no motor or arms I was going to make a goose magnet) £5

6x crow decoys with feet and stakes, £12

Will throw in a load of other stuff if someone is going to take most of that off my hands (Pigeon shell deeks/net/poles/seat-bucket...)



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