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Best Custom Rifle Builder?


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Hi All,


I am intending on having a custom rifle made the idea is that one rifle made just how I want will hopefully last me for the rest of my shooting days even if I shoot the barrel out and need to have it re-barrelled at some point over the next 20 years or so.


I will be spending some serious money on what I hope will be a serious bit of kit. The rifle will be used mainly to shoot foxes with but I expect the odd dear or two will also be taken (also if the FEO agrees I would like to be able to shoot vermin, but I am not sure if they will allow vermin to be shot with a .243)


The spec will be something along the following lines,

Cal- 243 win Ackley imp

Stock- McMillan A5 stock with internal adjustable cheek, black, grey marble.

Action- Nesika or Borden repeater action, pillar bedded into A5 stock

Recoil Lug- Large over sized type (not standard Remington type)

Barrel- Kieger (possible other, can discuss)

Barrel Spec- 24†varmint profile with 11o crown (treaded for Reflex T8)

Trigger- Jewell

Moderator- Reflex T8

Base- Picatinny base (top quality make)


My question for all on Pigeon Watch is who should I use to build the rifle?


I know there are a lot of gunsmiths out there but can anyone recommend one that they have had some experience of or who has a good reputation for build very accurate rifles.


Thanks Guys

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This bloke is reckoned to be very good Simon.




Have a look under Nesika section: Nesika rifle is .243 Ack Imp.


But Norman Clarke do have a very good name and have been recommended to me for work to be done by an RFD who I really trust.


Other alternative is a Cooper. I've seen a Cooper 6mmBR shot at 100 yards and it was almost a one hole group.

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Hi All,


I am intending on having a custom rifle made the idea is that one rifle made just how I want will hopefully last me for the rest of my shooting days even if I shoot the barrel out and need to have it re-barrelled at some point over the next 20 years or so.


I will be spending some serious money on what I hope will be a serious bit of kit. The rifle will be used mainly to shoot foxes with but I expect the odd dear or two will also be taken (also if the FEO agrees I would like to be able to shoot vermin, but I am not sure if they will allow vermin to be shot with a .243)


The spec will be something along the following lines,

Cal- 243 win Ackley imp

Stock- McMillan A5 stock with internal adjustable cheek, black, grey marble.

Action- Nesika or Borden repeater action, pillar bedded into A5 stock

Recoil Lug- Large over sized type (not standard Remington type)

Barrel- Kieger (possible other, can discuss)

Barrel Spec- 24†varmint profile with 11o crown (treaded for Reflex T8)

Trigger- Jewell

Moderator- Reflex T8

Base- Picatinny base (top quality make)


My question for all on Pigeon Watch is who should I use to build the rifle?


I know there are a lot of gunsmiths out there but can anyone recommend one that they have had some experience of or who has a good reputation for build very accurate rifles.


Thanks Guys



No way would I recommend Riflecraft.

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Perhaps before you decide you should take another look at your specifications.


The 25WSSM will give you better all round performance more adaptability in respect of bullet availability and overall better accuracy. You could also consider a factory rifle as in many instances the difference is slight but the cost saving tremendous. For Pest Control do you really need such a fancy 'Tool'? Or such a heavy one? The Nesika is a heavy action and they won't fit lightweight profile barrels - I know because I asked them when considering one for myself.


I bought a factory rifle and it is lightweight and perfectly adequate for most pest control purposes, last year accounting for a considerable number of hares in a short period at normal and quite extended ranges. (out to 600yds)


I heartedly recommend you look again at the basics of your proposed 'Custom job'.


I am not speaking 'off the cuff' but from experience of all sorts of rifles - I always have a large selection to use - and without particular consideration for cost effectiveness.


'Best' is nice but for practicality cheaper often does equally as well so do also have a look at Montana Rifleman. This is a half way house that will allow you to specify anything you desire but at little more than Remington costings. (plus stock) I bought two last year and am extremely happy with them for the money and I am fussy. In fact with one the worst aspect is the £450 MacMillan stock.


It may then mean this post is superfluous

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Oh so right Fister, but relaoding for this sort of rifle is more than a little advanced and expensive than general run of the mill reloading that most of us do for everyday shooting and looking at the number of 'specials' that get put up for sale after very few cartridges at half (or less) than their cost I just wonder how many of these folk that spend £1000's on their one in a lifetime rifle actually find it as great as they expected it to be.


Perhaps 50% ?

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My question for all on Pigeon Watch is who should I use to build the rifle?


Hi there. There is a chap called Steve Bowers that does some writing for Shooting times that I would recomend, Unfortuantly for me not from firing one of his rifles though.. He does some work for the england shooting team and lives and breaths rifle work. I have seen a number of the rifles he has done and they are all fantastic. He was meant to be up at the CLA as he has a pitch there every year.

His details are below.


He can do all sorts of work from Blueprinting to building a full rifle. He also is involved with the british Deer Soc locally and does the ballistics trraing on the DSC1 in this area.


Specialist Rifle Services Ltd


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hello there here in Canada we have a custom gun maker who as far as many are concerned is hand making the best sniper rifles in the world with contracts for the Canadian army spec ops and british SAS aswell as Australian SAS and i belive some federal agencys in the USA, you can buy his custom 308 HB rifles but not cheap to find out more google Colt Canada , many recent articles are saying they are the best and most accurate rifles on the market at this time cheers! on the site take a look at the 338 timberwolf that rifle is available in 308 called the coyote i think

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I would go for one of these http://www.border-barrels.com ...if not get them to build one to my spec. If they're good enough for the US & UK military snipers, they're good enough for me!! :P Besides, all the others would pretty much be sourcing a custom barrel through these guys anyway! :P


I'd be careful, they're way over the time they quoted to re-barrel my rifle at the moment. Not impressed.

Next time, I'm using dasherman from the bbs website.

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