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Shotguns and Laser sights - anyone ever tried it.


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I am having a bit of a problem with one of my local foxes. She is very wary and returns to her den before it is even half light. The vegetation around her den is very dense - I only get to see her when she is about 30 yards away and just slipping into the den. The light is too dim for my Swarovski scope on my .223, so I am tempted to try with my shottie.


I am wondering if any of these laser sights which you see on E-bay would be a help or a hindrance. Mounting the thing seems to be one of the main problems.


Has anyone on here ever tried anything similar? How was it? I have a Browning 525 over and under.


Would a gun mounted lamp be better?



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i should work fine - just tape it to you barrels with insulation tape and take a couple of practice shots with on paper to make sure the shot is going where the lazer is pointing.

if she is that weary, flicking a lamp on her so close to the den would make her run like hell away from you.

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Just an idea but;


If she really wants back into the den before light I would still use the .223 and a scope mounted lamp that's equipped with a dimmer switch. Keep the lamp on where she's going to have to be, you know the terrain so you know where that is. I would guess she will chance it back to the den. Whether she takes an hour or so waiting in bushes waiting for you to sod off is another story which could well happen. I was once between a fox and where he wanted to go. He was very lamp shy, but would sit far out where he felt safe and watch me. After a 40 minute stand off I picked up my fox after he tried to pass me. The den should draw her in, and if the light stays put maybe after a while she'll be less wary.


If that don't work call Grasshopper and his NV set up lol.

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You could try dropping some straw on the floor with a rabbit on it ( preferably a dead one :rolleyes:). You should be able to get a silhouette against the lightness off the straw and a chance at it as it stops to sniff the rabbit.


I picked a particularly awkward one up earlier this year by putting down a patch of light sand with some guts in the middle of it. It's not very often I get an adrenaline rush on foxes, but I got one in the moonlight that night.


Just an idea! :lol:

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