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Just ordered my new scope.


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Well, after months of trying to get one imported from the US, I finally gave up and started haggling with the UK dealers. :lol::lol:

I ordered it today for a price that I am VERY pleased with. Not as cheap as the US, but a lot better than £1146 from Sportsman. ;)



Keep us updated when you get it. I am considering that scope myself, though it may be a little high.




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Well, after months of trying to get one imported from the US, I finally gave up and started haggling with the UK dealers. :lol::lol:

I ordered it today for a price that I am VERY pleased with. Not as cheap as the US, but a lot better than £1146 from Sportsman. ;)



Keep us updated when you get it. I am considering that scope myself, though it may be a little high.





When you say high, do you mean price or magnification?

I decided to go for the 8-32 in preference to the 5.5-22 because I currently use an 8x56 S+B for foxing and always wish I had more than 8x, never less than 8x.

I don't think that I would ever use the lower end of the 5.5-22 scale.


I should be getting it in 2-3 weeks :lol:

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Hi, you do realise that you will not be able to use more than 15x (and thats pushing it 12x is better) when lamping, reason is because you don't get enough light in past 15x to see the fox.


As you know I have a 5.5x22 and I am about to by a 3.5x15 just for lamping because the reticle is claibrate.


The primary use of Nightforce ranging reticles is used to estimate targets of known hight in relation to areas in the reticle to give you the distance to the target.


The secondary use is for hold over points with the use of the correct calculations.


The NPR2 reticle subtends with 2 MOA in elevation and 5 MOA windage. MOA is measured at 100 yards with calculations required for further distances.


The correct conversion between MOA to inches is 1MOA = 1.047 inch (approximately 1 inch) and MOA is an angular measurement.


To use the Nightforce reticle correctly you need to measure MOA in 22 power in 22 to 42 power scopes and 15 power in 15 power scopes. As Nightforce scopes are made with the reticle in the second focal plain and are calibrated for these powers.


Target estimation


As with all second focal plain scopes the reticle stays the same size while the image is decreased or increased.


From what you are saying your scope is functioning perfectly as you are correct in saying that 2MOA increases itself every 100 yards. = 2MOA@100, 4MOA@200, 6MOA@300 and 5MOA@250.


When the power is set at 11 power, the MOA is increased by 2. The change is 2MOA @100 is now 4 MOA. This follows on as the power is decreased.


Remember MOA is an angular measurement that changes coverage in the reticle.

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Yes sorry Fister you are right,


what I was referring to was the NP-R2 reticle ie on a 5.5x22 at 22x each vertical line is 2" (approx 2 MOA) at 100 yards but at 200 yards each line is 4" but same scope at 11x at 100 yards each line is 4" and at 200 yards 8" etc, etc.


That what I should have said.


I just think a 3.5x15 will be better for lamping with than a 8x32 IMO.


Also my post is an old one of mine I used to answer a question on another forum which I have sort of edited to help Hoddmedod.

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Ballie, a word of caution on the NP-R2 reticle on the 3.5-15x50 Nightforce.


I had a 3.5-15x50. Before you commit to buying look for the following. More lines on the reticle than the 5.5-22x56. If you can also check a 5.5-22x56 side by side with the 3.5-15 do it. I found the reticle on the 3.5-15 very faint, it was not near as distinctive as the 5.5-22, it was more light grey than the stand out black on the 5.5-22. I couldn't get on with the 3.5-15 for lamping. We tried and tried and checked and changed all possibilities possible, but for lamping I'd rule it out. I more often lost a reticle on the fox or background than shot the fox. Just bear it in mind and check the reticle extremely well comparing it to what you have now.


I checked through all of Nightforces lit (online and what was in the box) and they made no mention of difference between the NP-R2 on the 3.5 and the NP-R2 on the 5.5, but they are quite different.


Edited to add, on the magnification issue I would agree that the 3.5-15 makes more sense than the 8-32. I think the 5.5-22 is perfect for the shooter who lamps and does whatever during the day then, gives more options.

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JG thanks for info, I have an email address for top guy at NF I will email and ask about what you have said, I love my 5.5x22 just don't like the 4" calibration at 100y on 11x so I thought the 15x at 2" would be better for my use but you have now got me worried.

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JG thanks for info, I have an email address for top guy at NF I will email and ask about what you have said, I love my 5.5x22 just don't like the 4" calibration at 100y so I thought the 15x at 2" would be better for my use but you have now got me worried.


Never my intention to worry you ;) From memory the crosshairs on the 3.5 had more lines. I think it went like this, 5 on the top leg, 5 or 6 each on the right and left, and 15 on the bottom leg. The 5.5, again from memory, has 5 on top, 4 each on the right and left, and 10 below. Like I said, my 3.5 was just too faint and not distinctive enough for foxing, in my opinion.

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Well, after months of trying to get one imported from the US, I finally gave up and started haggling with the UK dealers. :lol::lol:

I ordered it today for a price that I am VERY pleased with. Not as cheap as the US, but a lot better than £1146 from Sportsman. :)



Keep us updated when you get it. I am considering that scope myself, though it may be a little high.





When you say high, do you mean price or magnification?

I decided to go for the 8-32 in preference to the 5.5-22 because I currently use an 8x56 S+B for foxing and always wish I had more than 8x, never less than 8x.

I don't think that I would ever use the lower end of the 5.5-22 scale.


I should be getting it in 2-3 weeks :lol:





price. I like as much magnification as I can get without getting dark or blurry. I have a 5-15 elite 3200 that is crystal clear but not enough magnification for my 17 HMR. For my 223 I'm going at least 6-24, possibly 8-32. That's why I was interested in the nightforce.




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