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Could a fox be nicking my moles?


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Since I started trapping moles again I always expected that the ones which were out of the ground (I use the scissor type) had been kicked over by livestock.Both of my traps today were triggered and a couple of feet from where they had been set.All i do is to stick them on the fence but i do like to know if i have been successful but could a fox lift and eat a mole in a trap?Thanks for any thoughts.

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Thanks Henry.Probably sounds a strange question because I know many predators wont eat them but wondered if hungry fox cubs or badgers might be pulling up my traps.They disappear from the fence I stick them on pretty sharpish but expect that could be crows.Maybe ought to go onto tunnel traps again but i always feel they take a hell of alot of pressure to trigger them.Cheers.

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