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Spring with Scope/Without ?


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for target shooting i must admit Scopes are good.. as i dont do very much target shooting i prefere shooting in the field without a scope..

if you nock it atall it goes off target. happened to my friend at mine the other day :lol:

at night it is very hard to see(unless NV)

it is much harder to get a moving shot

scopes bler.

to much hassle to put in a case and they get in the way.

what are your oppinions?


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i prefer shooting in the field with a scope. i use a crappy 4x 15 but i wouldnt want to any more on the zoom factor but i would like to purchse a 4x30 or something because sometimes all i can see is the pigeons feathers close up ;) but if i had a bigger field of veiw i could kill nearly everytime without the risk of wounding.


also i dont agree with hitting moving targets with a airrifle allthough i do like to pick off the occasional squirell then run in with the but of the gun :thumbs:

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Aled, I do alot of .22 shooting with iorn sights at targets. I can get higher that 95 most times with my average about 97. I still use a scope for all my field work. Its not that my air rifle has no iorn sights, I could still hit bunnies if it did. But why throw away an advantage?


I use a 3-12x50 (i leave it a 6x) which serves me fine. Ratcatcher, I reccomend you go onthe the deben website and have a look at some of the eclipse scopes. If you are saving for a rifle, most companies do a combo.


Aled, your friends scope is quite frankly, a piece of ****. I have banged, dropped and lent on whilst crawling, and my scope will still put pellets in a group <------>


Scopes only blurr if you pay not attention to how clean they are. Wipe the lense after spraying it with glasses cleaner and you will be supprised how clean you can get it.

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haha, Red, damn right, the scope must be pretty ****. Aled i don't have great scope to say the least but i have had 1 of my horses stand on mine ;) ( don't ask why but i have and he is a big ******), believe it or not it still shot just the same afterwards even if it does have a slight dent in it.


And i find that looking through a scope makes what i am looking at brighter. but i can understand if it is pitch black but hey, get a lamp.

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