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Laser eye surgery


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I had Lasik done a couple of years back, as did my wife and her father. Personally, I got sick of having dried-up contact lenses during the day at work, so wore specs most of the time. Which was then a pain if I wanted to be outside in the rain or playing sports. So, decided to get it done - after letting the other half be the guinea pig :welcomeani:


None of us suffer from any after effects such as halos around lights at night, although these risks (and others) were all pointed out to us at the time. Like any surgery there are always risks - I guess it's up to you to weigh up the pros and cons.


We all went to Boots, who have now sold all their clinics to another company, and paid differing amounts as they had special offers on and we all went at different times. Cheapest was about £800 per eye but I think my wife paid around £1250 per eye. Treatment and service was exceptional.


My father-in-law opted to have one eye set for distance, the other set eye for reading so it took his brain a little longer than normal to adjust. My wifes vision was, and still is, perfect after one day. My vision is still perfect but during the op they made a slight tear in the corner of the flap so I had slightly blurry vision in one eye for about 4 days whilst that healed up. The other eye had perfect vision by the time I got home after the treatment.


I'm no expert on the matter so can't really comment on what the long term effects might be - I know that the treatment can't do anything about the ageing process so I'll probably need reading glasses later in life. I do, however, take any doom and gloom prophecies from opticians with a large pinch of salt. They were making several hundred quid a year from me until two years ago - now they get zip. It's not good business for them. I'm not sure about the whole contact sports/forces thing so will take it that others know what they are talking about.


My advice is to do the research - trawl the internet and look for the better companies with the latest technology. Get some real statistics if possible. One thing we did find out is that some companies we looked at charged for the initial consultation - we avoided them like the plague. We had a free consultation which included all the checks, an explanation of all the risks, the statistics of that particular surgery (limited as it was fairly new at the time), the statistics for Boots as a whole down to a "per-surgeon" level if requested.

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i know of two people who have been partially blinded through having laser eye surgery done, that was enough there and then to put me off


My mum used to be an optician and i would have to do it with her locked in a cage apparently or over her dead body




I only knew one person who had even had it done before I did, l still dont know anyone who has had a bad experience but I guess it may happen.


I dont know the stats now but when I had it done I looked them up and was statistically reassured otherwise I wouldnt have had it done.


We all know people who have had road accidents, it doesnt mean I am gonna give up driving...




these two cases even more suspiciously were under the same company and even surgeons supervision, however apprently there is nothing legally either of these two people can do to claim.


I am quite happy to leave my glasses on for now, untill the technology becomes more advanced etc... etc... im quite happy with my vision through glasses.


I know someone very well who is partially sighted, it certainly opens your eyes if you will excuse the pun.


Vision isnt something i will mess about with.

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