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Beats the Day Job Hands Down


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Spent the day at my syndicate with the shoot captain and gamekeeper. We shifted 3 tonnes of wheat out into feeders, a tonne of barley out to the ponds and restrawed the drives and topped off all the water points.


We then spent a couple of hours dogging in some of the outlying areas.


Things are looking good, plenty of birds and they are flying well, should make for some good shooting.


We also released the final batch of partridge. These are pocket rockets and shot off in all directions but we later saw a couple of good coveys of 30 plus so fingers crossed the new release will batch up with the existing coveys.


The only down side was it is obvious the crafty fox I have been baiting has also been in the woods, lamping next week is on the cards.


Tired but happy, really enjoyable day, hard work but honest graft in good company!


Roll on the 13th of October and boundary day!



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Spent the day at my syndicate with the shoot captain and gamekeeper. We shifted 3 tonnes of wheat out into feeders, a tonne of barley out to the ponds and restrawed the drives and topped off all the water points.


We then spent a couple of hours dogging in some of the outlying areas.


Things are looking good, plenty of birds and they are flying well, should make for some good shooting.


We also released the final batch of partridge. These are pocket rockets and shot off in all directions but we later saw a couple of good coveys of 30 plus so fingers crossed the new release will batch up with the existing coveys.


The only down side was it is obvious the crafty fox I have been baiting has also been in the woods, lamping next week is on the cards.


Tired but happy, really enjoyable day, hard work but honest graft in good company!


Roll on the 13th of October and boundary day!




Looks like your syndicate is the one to be in................. Is there any vacancies?

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Spent the day at my syndicate with the shoot captain and gamekeeper. We shifted 3 tonnes of wheat out into feeders, a tonne of barley out to the ponds and restrawed the drives and topped off all the water points.


We then spent a couple of hours dogging in some of the outlying areas.


Things are looking good, plenty of birds and they are flying well, should make for some good shooting.


We also released the final batch of partridge. These are pocket rockets and shot off in all directions but we later saw a couple of good coveys of 30 plus so fingers crossed the new release will batch up with the existing coveys.


The only down side was it is obvious the crafty fox I have been baiting has also been in the woods, lamping next week is on the cards.


Tired but happy, really enjoyable day, hard work but honest graft in good company!


Roll on the 13th of October and boundary day!




Had a similar day too yesterday on one of my sydicates.


!5 fellow guns and beaters turned up to clear a 2 acre wood.

Fallen trees,elder, and sycamore saplings were felled and sawn up.

An excellent lunch and a winters supply of logs for my fire too :lol:

A very enjoyable day and roll on the 20th October for our first day :stupid:

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