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mc canns 2


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Interesting topic here.

Live by the sword die by the sword the mcanns have! the press now hate them!


I think the press are swinging the other way again now. First they loved them, then they hated them, now they're going to love 'em again. I don't know what to think any more, I've heard so much sheeeyte, I've lost sight of common sense :no: :no:


The Police seem to be coming apart at the seams, or their "evidence" does. Mind you, that doesn't make them innocent in my eyes, it just means that the Police have ***** up the case, a bit like the Birmingham 6, Guildford 5 or whatever. They were probably as guilty as hell of the bombings but the coppers cooked the books, so they got off, but it doesn't mean they didn't do it ;)



Mind you, there's a world of difference between whether they're guilty in my eyes and whether they're guilty in the eyes of the law. As Mungler or somebody said, the law is that you're innocent until proved guilty, and I think the Police are going to have a hell of a job proving anything now.

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