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You will be suprised how fast the metal on cartridges corrodes and goes back into the ground. But whats left is the plastic cartridge tube. Lead will also tend to corrode away in small amounts such as shot size.


Steel shot and plastic wads on the other hand.. :D


Im a fibre wad user. I dont shoot clays or 'Game' though.

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is plastic any more man made than metal? both come from a product that has been formed by the earth and its inhabitants....




Metal comes from the ground, but more to the point will also return to it in time. Metal will oxidize and break down, plastic doesn't seem to. Oil (plastic) is what's known as time locked carbon, which on release messes up the earths natural balance. Natural fibre (wool, wood, cotton etc) is on a short term carbon cycle, when it rots/burns the carbon is taken up by trees and converted back to some kind of fibre again. The time locked carbon can also be absorbed, but it's being released into the cycle from long term storage so there is more carbon than before. More to the point oil will one day run out, natural fibre is renewable and will always be there.

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