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Hi All, What Barrel length


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Hi All, Sorry if this has been done before but would someone kindly please offer me advice. I am thinking of buying a Beretta Silver Pigeon 1st choice, Lincol Premier 2nd choice and 3rd choice would be a lanber gold deluxe all in a 12 bore. I will be using it mostly for game, rabbits, pheasants, duck and also on vermin, so my question is should I buy a 28 0r 30 inch barrel length.


I will be taking some lessons, as I have never shot a shotgun before, another silly question how many of you shotgunners use ear/noise protectors.

TYVM in advance. ATB. Reeco

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Reeco, barrel length should be what you are happy with, not what fashion dictates.

It would depend on how you shoot, how fast you swing, how you are built etc etc.

Have the lessons and try out a 28 and a 30 during the lesson and see which feels best or the instructor thinks suits you best.


You should protect your ears, whether you choose plugs or muffs is again up to you and how much you want to spend.

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