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Deben Max Pro


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Thanks Jerry. I hadn't even seen the inner Allen key bit! Doh!


If you do figure it out please let me know, it's a little low on mine, although windage is fine


From the instructions:


Initial Adjustment - Horizontal and Elevation


The **** at the rear of the light is the horizontal and elevation adjustment. With the light fitted to the scope use the allen key in the centre of the **** so the light is in line with the vertical cross hairs of the scope; once set this will not need further adjustment. The elevation of the beam can be set using finger adjustment of the **** to suit long or short shots. NOTE:- If turned too far anticlockwise the **** may become detached inside - if so open the light and apply light pressure to the reflector, without touching the chrome surface, whilst turning the **** clockwise to relocate the adjustor.


Hope that helps



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It's working great thanks mate, I just need to tweak it a bit. You know how it goes, once you get things set up just right you can concentrate on taking the shots and not worrying about the rest of it.


I spent 5 mins watching a badger from about 20yds away, had the red filter on. It never even looked up. After a few minutes I thought I would take the filter off. No reaction. It just carried on as before. Nice to see.


The thing is very bright for it's size. If you don't find that dimmer I think I will still get one, it is a while since I have used one of these types of lamps, and I forgot how much light they put out. I think the local village must have thought that aliens had landed!

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^ It does Jerry thank you for your time. 11 rabbits have found it to be effective tonight, however now I am going to play and get it just how I want it.






Glad to help and glad it made sense, if you want a photocopy of the full instructions give me a shout and I will get them in the post to you.



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Most kind, cheers. In my eagerness in the dark I have left my allen key set behind, so it will have to wait for now.

Thanks for the offer Jerry. Is there much more I need to know?


Drop me a pm with your address and I will pop it in the post, not a great amount to worry about but no harm in having it. More than happy to to do so.



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