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I've been working away with my GWP bitch all along and she's coming on nicely.

So far we've covered obedience training i.e. sit, heel, stay, the recall, I only use two whistle commands one pip to stop and 2 to for the recall. She's steady now to shot which was a bit of a worry at the start due her being a bit gun sensitive.

She's retrieving well on land and is doing nicely with the water retrieving as well.

She can also do directional hand signals and I can send her out for a retrieve.

The only thing left is to teach her to quarter, at the moment she's doing this naturally. What I do is I face into the wind and stand in the middle of the field that I want her to hunt, I'll send her off down to the left and then follow her at an angle I'll then blow the recall and change direction as the dog is passing me (sometimes she'll pass behind me) I tell her to get on with a hand signal as soon as she's gone far enough I'll blow the recall, change direction and do the same thing again. After a while she'll start to run a nice wide pattern, which I am quite pleased with, one thing that I have to start doing is to throw out a few dummies or tennis balls into the field before I bring her along to hunt it.


What I want to know is if there is anything that I'm leaving out and how do the rest of ye teach ye're dogs to quarter?

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Hello & credit to you sound like you are doing well.You seem to be doing the quartering thing fine ie walk in a zig/zag & recall when you turn & encourage the dog to hunt in you new direction.Im not a pointer person nor trained one so out my depth here.I think with time & your dog will get into it & she will pass infront 90% of the time & unless you plan to trial i wouldent worrie about that.

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