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grand day out saturday 21st


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decided to do a spot of ferreting with my freind today as i havnt been out in a while.

we set of at 11.30 and came home at 6.45!

we set off to a spot that i havnt ferreted on in about 2.5 months i thought the place might have cooled down a small bit, i was wrong

the place stunk of fox!

a place that was usually teaming with bunnies was nearly deserted, two of the sets we tried were completely derelict even though signs of activity were present!

we moved on to a set favorited by me as i t was the first set i ever ferreted some 4 years ago! i knew we were guaranteed at least one out of this as i saw a large doe run into one of the holes as we approached.

i netted the holes off making sure to check for any unseen boltholes, when satisfied i unlocked the ferret box and set my two jills down! within about 15 minutes a rabbit came hurtling out of the ground about 6ft from me id missed one of the holes :lol: as i ran over to my net bag to get a fresh net another one belts across the grass and into the hedge :good: at this stage i was beginning to get very frustrated as id already lost two!

we moved on to other sets but had no luck there and finally on teh way back to the car at 5.15 we spotted a huge buck who darted into a set in the middle of some woods

too easy we though.

we headed into the woods and assessed the set a fairly easy set to net off with only about 8 holes there was one that i wasnt going to sacrifice a net for which was filled with my jumper! 12 minutes later a rabbit bursts into one of the nets hotly pursued by a ferret! :good:


a rather good end to a day!


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