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Scope and 308 loading odds and ****


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Sold my 308 win rifle so have a Redfield widefield 3x9 variable scope with original packing and instructions. Works well, lovely clear optics. Absolutely no bells or whistles just a set of crosshairs, £90 +p&p Coped well with 308 so will probably be OK for a springer air rifle.

69 Barnes TSX 130 grn (inc 19 pulled from my reloads) £50
52 Speer 168 grn hpbt match bullets inc 5 pulled from my reloads £20
75 Speer 165 grn BTSP bullets inc 21 pulled from my reloads.£25
Set 3 308 dies Lee, shell holder £35 (FL, Bullet depth die, crimp die.)
Lee case trim/gauge/cutter etc to suit £10
At least a couple of 100 308 brass, mostly once fired CBC, PPU but some once fired GGG and some multiple fired federal, the GGG have the primer crimp reamed out all are just neck sized. £20
shell holder for lee hand primer or for kinetic bullet puller £2.50 (suits 243, 7mm.08, 25/06 etc)

308 snap cap £5

308 laser bore sighter £10
All plus postage. 


red scope.jpg

red scope 2.jpg

Edited by drone
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