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FAO and my Shot Gun Lic.


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Just thought I`d let folks know, I will be getting my Shot Gun licence in approx 3-4 days depending when the officer he can drop it off.

I suppose what I`m actually saying is what a quick, easy job the Surrey Police made of the actual job of getting it. Including the next few days wait, it took 5 weeks in total and what a nice bunch of folks...........


I`ve already contacted a dozen or so farmers and 9 have agreed to let me use their land, so everythings going smoothly.....

Just looking forward to some good times, good company and a nice bag or two..........(l`m in Surrey if anyones local and wants to make up the numbers in the not too distant future)


PS Do organisations like the BASC offer any insurance packages, public liability etc , any info appreciated


PPS Can anyone recommend a good cleaning kit, from personal experience, much appreciated

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Just thought I`d let folks know, I will be getting my Shot Gun licence in approx 3-4 days depending when the officer he can drop it off.

I suppose what I`m actually saying is what a quick, easy job the Surrey Police made of the actual job of getting it. Including the next few days wait, it took 5 weeks in total and what a nice bunch of folks...........


I`ve already contacted a dozen or so farmers and 9 have agreed to let me use their land, so everythings going smoothly.....

Just looking forward to some good times, good company and a nice bag or two..........(l`m in Surrey if anyones local and wants to make up the numbers in the not too distant future)


PS Do organisations like the BASC offer any insurance packages, public liability etc , any info appreciated


PPS Can anyone recommend a good cleaning kit, from personal experience, much appreciated






Insurance cover comes as part of BASC membership see http://www.basc.org.uk/content/insurance.


Countryside Alliance also do cover as part of membership see http://www.countryside-alliance.org.uk/our...ver-for-longer/ as do the NGO, see threads on PW.


Whereabouts in Surrey are you? I live in East Grinstead, just into W Sussex, but very close to Surrey border.


Sx Ctymn

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The BASC offer excellent insurance to members as part of the package. £10 million public liability is; I think the highest offered as standard with a membership package by any association currently.


They do a lot to defend our sport from the mindless "anti"- funded attacks by the Government. They have been a fantastic help to me in my dealings with my firearms licensing department. They may still be significantly orientated towards Game and Rough shooting but, they don't completely ignore other shooters either. I couldn't say the same for some other shooting bodies.


For what you get the £59 per year is well worth it; no responsible shooter should shoot on someone else's land unless he is adequately insured. Also as I always try to sneak in whenever anyone asks about BASC membership: If you are a Student in any sense whether full or part time. It will only cost you £40 for full membership :good: .


Thats my tuppence worth anyway.



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