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The benefit of BASC membership

Suffolk shooter

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Wasn't sure where to put this, so Mods, if in the wrong place please Move.


On the forum recently there has been a lot said by unhappy people regarding BASC for various reasons, but let me tell you about something that I believe to be the most positive thing any shooting or government organisation has done since the outbreak of Avian Bird flu H5N1 in Suffolk.


Today, because I run a game shoot, I recieved in the post a Letter from BASC as follows: -


Advice to members in Norfolk and Suffolk


Current Avian Flu advice as at 14.11.07


The information contained is correct at the time of writing 11.30am. Due to the fluidity of the situation; please consult the BASC website for the current situation www.basc.org.uk.




As a result of the outbreak of Avian Flu at Redgrave on the Suffolk/Norfolk border, a number of restrictions have come into place in Norfolk and Suffolk under the Avian Influenza (H5N1) (England) order 2006. Asa result, a 3km Protection Zone (PZ), a 10km Surveillance Zone (SZ) and a much wider Restricted Zone (RZ) have been set up. Details of these can be found on the Defra website: http://www.Defra.gov.uk/'>http://www.defra.gov.uk/.




14 November 2007


H5N1 avian flu has been confirmed in turkeys on a farm near Diss in Suffolk. A 3Km protection zone, a 10km surveillance zone and a wider restricted zne have been set up. Defra is particularly concerned that wild birds near poultry farms that may be affected may be scared by shooting and might spread infection. BASC will continue to liase with Defra, BASC is pleased that therte will be no blanket ban on shooting; however it is essential that the following actions are taken within the relevant zones. These are to ensure that the risk of infection on other sites is substantially reduced.


In the 3km zone:


Do not shoot unless you have first checked with your local Animal Health Office. In no circumstances should you shoot within 500m of premises holding commercial poultry.


In the 10km and wider restricted zones


Do not shoot within 500m of premises holding commercial poultry.


Movement of Dead Game.


Under the Avian Influenza (H5N1 in poultry) (England) Order 2006 Schedule 11 wild game birds shot within the three zones (3km protection zone, 10km surveillance zone and wider restricted zone) can be moved between the zones but cannot leave the restricted zone unless under license. Birds shot outside the restricted zone can be brought into the zone for consumption or processing but then cannot leave the restricted zone unless licensed.




All poultry keepers who completed the GB poultry reister, should have been notified of the emergency measures by text, e-mail and other media sources.


Trading standards, under the control of the State veterinary Service (SVS) may visit your farm/shoot if you have completed the GB poultry register; these visits are primarily to give guidance on increased biosecurity measures within the controlled areas. It is an offence not to have filled in/updated your poultry registration if you keep a total of 50 captive poultry or gamebirds, irrespective of your commercial status.


BASC advises that anyone who keeps birds and who are not already registered on the Great Britain poultry register should do so. Particular care should also be taken with biosecurity.


Breeding stock/caught-up birds


Should birds have been caught up then they become designated under the term 'poultry' - in this case all biosecurity and movement restrictions under the order apply.

'Poultry' or captive flocks must not be moved from one premise to another, which fall in the controlled zones (SZ, PZ or RZ), or in or out of controlled areas. All movements must either comply with the general licenses published on Defra's website, or by special license issued by your local Animal Health Divisional office.


In cases of avian influenza in poultry or the H5N1 strain in wild birds, it is prohibited to release game birds in a protection zone or surveillance zone - although the release of game birds should not be an issue at this time of year.


In the case of an outbreak and your flock falling within a restricted area you will be required by law to house your birds or prevent contact with wild birds. Where this is not possible for practical or welfare reasons, all practicable steps must be taken. In the case of caught up gamebirds this may mean that the food and water must be covered to reduce contamination from wild birds, or the use of netting to further separate your birds from wild birds.



BASC urges all members to report any abnormal behaviour or die-offs of wildbirds particularly wildfowl, gulls and starlings to the Defra helpline - 08459 33 55 77.


AI Sampling


Our AI Surveillance Area Co-ordinators have been contacted and informed of the current situation. Our advice to them has been to follow the sampling procedure as instructed, taking particular care with their PPE and biosecurity.


If Defra were to confirm H5N1 in wild birds all sampling is to stop.

The area co-ordinators have been asked to contact their area teams and relay this information to them; in addition we will be sending all samplers a letter outlining the above.


If there are AI samplers in your wildfowling club, please can you ensure that this information re sampling has been passed on to them.


Further advice


Further information is available from: the Defra Website http://www.Defra.gov.uk/ ; The Defra hotline:08459 335577; from the BASC Website www.basc.org.uk; the BASC avian flu hotline: 01244 573056; or from the Eastern Region Centre: 01284 728752; or email east@basc.org.uk. This information is liable to change at anytime and at short notice, so our advice is to keep checking the respective websites.


Please pass this information on to your contacts.


So now people can see what they spend they money on, not just insurance, but information/alerts that are relevant and necessary. What other agencies, organisations have spent the time and money to send this out to anyone in the affected zones, not one, I haven't heard a thing from the GB Poultry registration via letter, email, text or phone and I am registered due to the amount of birds we release, its free and costs nowt and is a legal requirement.


So for all those people moaning out there about BASC (And before they say it I was one too under a year ago), stop moaning, take stock and realise why the majority of people are members of BASC and not NGO, CA, etc.


SS :good:

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Hi S S.

not every one rears game birds, and i cant remember the last time i shot a game bird.

And by the mood of some of the ex basc members on here it will take more than a letter to you to get them back.


People have there own reasons for not re joining them,and getting flamed on here from current members wont send them running back.

Not having a go at you or the basc but the way some of the people on here have been spoken to recently by basc members is not a good advert for them.

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Hi S S.

not every one rears game birds, and i cant remember the last time i shot a game bird.

And by the mood of some of the ex basc members on here it will take more than a letter to you to get them back.


People have there own reasons for not re joining them,and getting flamed on here from current members wont send them running back.

Not having a go at you or the basc but the way some of the people on here have been spoken to recently by basc members is not a good advert for them.


One person or a few people does not represent the whole BASC association though MB. I realise that some will never join or re-join for that matter, and as I stated up until recently I was one of the few who disliked BASC with a passion. The helpful advice I have been given by the Eastern Region rep has been most welcoming and that was before I was a member. Anybody who takes an entire day to trudge round 1400 acres and then provided a written report and substantial articles and helpful constructive advice, surely earns the respect of anybody.


The main point I was trying to make, was that is there another shooting organisation or govt department that has provided information to the region that is currently affected with the Avian bird flu crisis! I think not.



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