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Remington 1100

Floating Chamber

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Guest The Outlaw

I have my left handed Remi 1100 in for repair t the moment.


In the bottom where you load the second shell there is a chrome plate you push down.


From this plate forwards there looks like a button that gets pushed in when you load, well these seemto catch each other.


But what is worse is looking in the loading hole there is a lug coming from the side plate that everything seems to slide


on with a circlip on it.


This lug has become so worn the circlip has fallen off and the lug is kaput.


My gunsmith is welding in a new one.


If it doesnt work I will give you a shout.


Sorry about the description of the parts but I am not to familiar with semi's



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Guest The Outlaw

The 1100 is a very old model, I have put a good few 1000 shells through it and before I had it a good many more than that.


Never had a prob until this happened.



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Guest The Outlaw

I think what started the rot with my Remi was (and I forgot this earlier) the barrel support died while shooting DTL with it about


6 months ago.


I got that fixed and then found this lug had given up as well.


The barrel support was repaired by a very good and trusted mainstream gunsmith, but the lug had to be done by a specialist.



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well mines a 1972 model and i bought it for £150 15 years ago. it has shot thousands and has been pretty trouble free.

so far ive replaced the action bar as that cracked / split and also the v spring that sits in the silver push button where you put the 2nd /3rd cartridge in. thats all and parts cost very little circa £60 so far so i cant grumble. all i do is cean it all out with parrafin every couple of years and always keep it lubed with very thin oil. all this pants about running them dry is from the people who have failures every 5 minutes. mine cycles 24gm loads with ease and is not fussy at all. proper guncare is all thats required.


the only thing i will say compared to the browning / winchester etc is that the remmi is more complicated because of its gas recycling but its probably the softest shooting and best handling auto out there!

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Guest The Outlaw

Cheers ate I am looking forward to it.


The postman will be mugged every day untill it arrives, when it does I will copy it and if Emmsy pm's his address to me I will


post it on to him.


My fingers are intact still thanks, maybe not after playing though.


Cheers FC



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yes i have all that apart when i do my maintenance and yes ive found the sharp bits before!

i remember using a rag to clean out the grove that the bolt slides on and that cut straight thru the rag and sliced open my finger. i was not impressed with that :huh:

yes the carrier spring was under a pound and the action bar assembly was 50 odd squids

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