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HPI Check for a motorbike


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Good job I am neither over 50 nor "tached" up.


The picture cannot convey the fantastic noise the pipes on the bike make. I defy anyone not to want to drive it through a tunnel at high revs!


Next project maybe a TVR (V8tastic) - alas, if only it was possible to buy one that would actually work everytime you wanted it to.


If you want a Vtwintastic look no further ..... >>> click for biking fun <<<


This will get the blood pumping !!



If only I had a spare £2k lying round :lol:

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4 years ago i was a biker, had been for a loonnnggg time, since a kid.

one vw golf put an end to it all.

her fault, head on.... shattered right femur, left arm practically hanging off, fractured radius/ulna, right hand smashed to bits..... 12 months off work, unpaid, approx 4 x 7hour operations hamering, drilling, reaming titanuim plates, nails rods and bolts.... several other 2-3 hour op's..leg, arm and hand now robotic, with rods(nails)plates, hinges screws etc.....

the psycological damage was the worst though.... those were dark days mate.dark days.

9 months of rehab and ocupational therapy, torturing physio therapy.....


now, 4 years on.....arthritis pain ( at 31!) crippled in the morning, dead by the end of a days work and feeling 15-20 years older than i should......


id like to say, the years of fun i got from riding, on the raod, track, and competative trials, were worth having, but honestly, if i could trade them... id have never have got involved.... id had off's before, nothing major, couple of simple fractures trips to hozzy, but this was the last one. no more. im very lucky to have two legs and two arms, albeit, they dont all function as they should...... most of all, my two other interest, playinbg the guitar (20 years) and being outdoors have both suffered for it. the cold is not my friend. 12 months without pay could have taken my home, split my marriage and god knows what else, but i was lucky my wife was stronger than me in them dark days....


work now is hard, i dont reckon ive got long left in me.... im a plumber/ central heating engineer and its a physical game.... id HATE to have to do somthing else, dont know what else i could do? but its somthing im gonna have to think about.



so, just a word of warning.... thing long and hard.... are the roads the right place for bike these days with more and more idiots on the raod with more and more distractions in their cars to plat or fiddle with.....

oh and ive lost three mates and another who is a very sick boy, severly disable and in constant pain.


id say be carfull, but its not somthing you as a rider ever have control over.... doesnt matter how good or safe you are..... you cannot underestimate the stupidity of some car drivers.


be safe.

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I will keep my bikes untill I am old and infirm (hopefully) however the previous post and the loss of family members and close friends. All of whom were killed by irresponsible moronic car drivers makes it harder and harder to keep my bikes in the eyes of my loved ones. Ride safe people :good::good:

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