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Who's got a Ruger 77/17HMR??????????

Night shooter

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Just wondering if any of you chaps are in the possesion of a Ruger 77/17HMR? Or failing that does anyone know anything much about them, Good or Bad. I fancy one and don't want to be disapointed once i've spent the money. :blink:


Also, what scope would you recommend. I like the simmons whitetail i've got on my .22, would this be good enough for a .17hmr?


Cheers Jonny

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Yes I have sir. :blink: Its a great Rifle. I was actually shooting it on Sunday in pretty gusty conditions. It remained fairly accurate.


And when he said Cupraman, he meant me :good: Forum name change recently :lol:







Edited by ShaggyRS6
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Good shooting


I don't think you have much to complain about with those groups, especially given the conditions. Have you tried pushing it out any futher yet?


My .22Lr has a very heavy trigger on it whats it like on the .17hmr?


Don't suppose your looking to sell it?lol



Hah nope. Not looking to sell it. The trigger is really heavy. It needs a Trigger kit which I have and need to fit. But I cant work out how to do it.

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