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Sporting Clays in South Bucks on a Sunday?


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West Wycombe is closed on Sundays.

Try Valley View - it is squaded and can get quite busy.

We are off there tomorrow.


More about it here:




There a few others like Prestwood and Flightline, but they are a bit mickey mouse by comparison, fine for a change though - it depends what you are looking for.

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Thanks Stuart - will see if we can make it tomorrow - depending on domestics!





West Wycombe is closed on Sundays.

Try Valley View - it is squaded and can get quite busy.

We are off there tomorrow.


More about it here:




There a few others like Prestwood and Flightline, but they are a bit mickey mouse by comparison, fine for a change though - it depends what you are looking for.

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Thanks Stuart


Had my lad up and he got what I thought was a very respectable 60 on his first trip - using his little 20b and the magnasonic/LV 21g cts that he has to use at Jericho. He scored some of the fast distant targets very well and thououghly enjoyed himself. Really pleased that I asked the question on here last night and many thanks for the suggestion.


Any more recommended South Bucks Sunday pm shoots? (We can't get there until about 12:30 at the earliest on a Sunday.)

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hey glenshooter. give the prestwood and flightline shooting grounds a go. theres nothing MICKEY MOUSE about them. trust me. for the time that you have available to you on sundays you could do a 70 or 50 birder at the prestwood shoot. the facilities are up to scratch, the guy who runs it is a top notch geezer,the rest of his staff are very helpful and friendly too. the next prestwood shoot is next sunday 3rd of feb. if you can make it ask for paul.ray.or adam. we will put you right... gaurantee you will enjoy.

its not easy..... more challenging than anything else. the shoot is easily on parr with any others around this area. flightline is also worth a visit,pop along and see eric. there shoot is the sunday after prestwoods.

if you need anymore info feel free to pm me. :good:

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what do you get at VALLEY VIEW that you dont get at PRESTWOOD or FLIGHTLINE :blush:

Good testing, varied targets, in the main - not always.

You don't get broken traps, then queues of shooters going back to that stand once it has been fixed.

We have shot the same stand twice on the last 2 times we have been to Prestwood for that very reason.

In all fairness it has come in lepas and bounds from where it was, but still suffers from a bit of lack of imagination.

Personally I would rather pay more and go to better shoots less often, than go to either Prestwood or Flightline.

Flightline doesn't start until 10:30, which isn't their fault that is a restriction put on them, but I can drive to Newbury and shoot 50 at 4 Counties in the same time it takes us to go round Flightline.


Each to their own.


Both shoots are sort of OK, I am not saying I will never go back to either, and 'Mickey Mouse' was bit harsh :unsure: , but they aren't in same league as VV or Four Counties.



Glenshooter, your lad sounds a decent shot, so Hornet and would be another good shoot for you to look at:




and Four Counties:




I am not sure about Sunday afternoons though, they all tend to knock off at 1-2pm or so probably due to planning permission restrictions.

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