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1st outing with airo-pro magnet


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As i have mentioned in my first post i have just started decoying again after many years , When i first started i dont think magnets were being used or if they were we certainley hadnt heard of them , so after reading and looking at magnets on the internet i decided it was a very important piece of kit , particularly over rape , so i invested in the magnet with the air-pro decoys .

I set out early sunday morning and got to the field around 8.15 , i hauled the kit to a tree i had been watching were i knew the birds were flighting , so i set up 20 deeks and a flapper and on the edge of my pattern i put the air-pro magnet , I then sat eager in anticipation for the arrival of my first birds , Within half an hour i had birds litterally hovering over my magnet , not having used one before i sat in amazment , I watched as the magnet pulled birds in from the field below as i was set up on the crest of a hill and i knew the birds could see the decoys flapping on the magnet .

I ended the day with 38 shot birds probably another 7-8 lost on the field , i had some amazing shooting with birds dropping like stones from the sky and at times coming in packs of 10-12 birds , most of my time was spent cursing mainly due to some **** shooting by myself , I reckon if i had shot anything like i would have bagged probably 50-60 birds .

But , what i must say is that the magnet worked extremly well , I had shot the field previously whilst i was waiting for my magnet to arrive and had little success as the field is so big i couldnt keep the birds interested , but using the magnet i could physically see the birds coming from 100 acres away .

I have definatley got the bug again and i'm hoping to go again next week .


I'll keep you all informed if i have a reasonable day . :good:

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