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Nikko sterling-Any good??


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After viewing a new browning a-bolt at the weekend, ive decided thats the gun i want, however its a little more than i had budgeted for, and because of this, ive dipped into my sight fund. What i want to know is-How good a make are Nikko Stirling and is the model- Platinum ''Nighteater'' 4-16x50 30mm, any good??

if not My budget is 150 roughly(without mounts/rings), is there any other makes/models that anyone could recommend??


setup will be used for foxing and roe, at 100-150ish yards.



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After viewing a new browning a-bolt at the weekend, ive decided thats the gun i want, however its a little more than i had budgeted for, and because of this, ive dipped into my sight fund. What i want to know is-How good a make are Nikko Stirling and is the model- Platinum ''Nighteater'' 4-16x50 30mm, any good??

if not My budget is 150 roughly(without mounts/rings), is there any other makes/models that anyone could recommend??


setup will be used for foxing and roe, at 100-150ish yards.




I have a nikko night eater on my HMR, see my sig as it is a slightly different model.


For the money they are a good scope. Daytime performance is good and under a lamp they are OK, not in the same league as top glass however.


I have not had any issues with it, zeroing was simple, build quality is good and solid and no issues with the zero wandering. They are a fair old length/weight, especially with the sun shade in place.


If you ever intend to fit a NV add on unit they are not suitable due to the illuminated reticule controls being to close to the eye piece meaning you cant mount the add on unit.


Even on my HMR my scope tends to stay on 8X mag.



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Thanks, i know there not in the same league as ziess,swaro etc, but at the end of the day, the scope wont be for keeps, but the rifle will, as long as it will hold its zero im not fussed, cos will be looking to upgrade in the next four/five months. Wouldnt be bothered about NV add on to be honest.


Cheers for feedback

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Thanks, i know there not in the same league as ziess,swaro etc, but at the end of the day, the scope wont be for keeps, but the rifle will, as long as it will hold its zero im not fussed, cos will be looking to upgrade in the next four/five months. Wouldnt be bothered about NV add on to be honest.


Cheers for feedback


One thing to bear in mind and something I cant comment on is how well it will wear the recoil of a centre fire. Mine is on a HMR with zero/minimal recoil.



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Whats you pays for is whats you gets my friend, near all rifles today will out shoot the shooter, I have allways been led to beleive that you should burn as much of your budget on the optics rather than the rifle...............................why not look around for quality second hand optics??

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A friend had a Nikko Sterling scope on her .243 for stalking for several years without any problems, not sure what model it was but I believe that it should be ok especially if you have a moderator which will reduce recoil anyhow

Or as others have stated get a seondhand scope of better quality as a temp measure, or are you lucky enough to know someone with a 'spare' scope that will lend you it until you have saved enough for the scope that you want



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