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Vintage paper cartridges

Lord Geordie

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I have a box of 2 and 3/4" Eley Alphamax waxed paper carts for sale here




There is only 20 in the box as 5 were missing when I got the box. These are ALL still live rounds not recrimped dummies.


I know the boxes are as collectable as the carts themselves and this should be a nice little addition to someones collection!


I also know SOME people buy these and fire one off every now and again as they like the smell :angry:


I Have seen these paper carts (recrimped) go on Ebay in the past for anything from £2 up over EACH so lets just think about £40 worth PLUS the box!!


I am not that unrealistic though so I would like to get about £20 or will swap for 4 boxes of pigeon cartridges!





Edited by Lord Geordie
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