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Red's Progress


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Well took the puppy out again yesterday afternoon, Have been doing a lot of whistle work and dummy training with her lately and have been neglecting to take the gun with me in the fields so the weather brightened up so off we went.


Got into the first field and had a run around, let her blow off some steam. Nothing around except a few pidgeons too far away to shoot so back in the landrover and up into the far fields. Walking along the hedges i spot a rabbit in the distant hedge, raise my gun and to my amazement out of the corner of my eye i see the dog sit! She must have been looking at me as i raised the gun and actualy done something i want her to do but have not even tried to train her to do yet. I almost missed the damn rabbit cause i was that amazed at the dog. Anyway, hit the rabbit and the dog ran straight over to it, Licked it to death for about a minute before i called her back with the whistle. She brought the rabbit back to me lovely, so i took it amde her sit and wait then let her have it back for a little play. It was only a youngster too small for the pot really.


Just thought i would share this with you all.





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It Is nice to hear when a dog is progressing. However, you could be making a rod for your own back, by giving her the rabbit back to "play" with.

When down the line she starts to "play" with the retrieves before bringing them back to you, and you are pulling your hair out. Remember what you did to cause it.

She sounds as if she has had good training so far, why spoil it now?

BTW if that is the rabbit at her feet, at that size they make the best eating rabbits of the lot. Just clean and skin it as normal and put the whole rabbit in a deep fryer. The outside of the rabbit goes crisp golden brown and the inside is moist and tender.



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Should have been more clear about that, when i said play, i meant that i let her retrieve it back to me a few more times. Made her sit and wait while i placed it and then got her to bring it back again! :good:


My apologies I thought that you had given her the rabbit to "play with". However, you would be better served to make her sit, then throw the rabbit and retrieve it yourself.

That way she does not see that everything you shoot as hers and she will not be inclined to run in.

Just a friendly bit of advice.



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