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napier gun stock finishing kit


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For small dings what you can try is to carefully apply a wet towl to the dent first allowing it to soak in moisture, and then if required apply the touch of a clothes iron or similar (apply as required to avoid damage) using the cloth as insulation from the heat, this will heat up the moister causing steam which helps to open up the crushed wood fibers, and in some cases can remove dents. then treat the wood with light sanding and re varnishing/oiling the area. IMO I wouldnt use oil on a damaged varnished stock as I have a feeling the oil will seap right under the varnished ares and may begin to lift it.


Failing that, and being your best option, get the gun to gunsmith. Its what they are there for. When you have a shotgun that means a lot to you, its worth getting the little things sorted out so you retain your confidence in the gun, and every shot you put through it.



If its just a slight scratch, oil should not be a problem. I have applied oil to worn varnished stocks in that way wiout a problem, but it does not really cover the damage 100%.

Edited by Hunter
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thanks for the reply hunter , the dind is very slight , i have put a hot towel over the area and it has helped i checked on the net as too what he finish is on the miroku and it lists it as satin laquer ,but in the handbook it lists as oil, so i was a bit worried about ruining the finish altogether cheers :welcomeani:

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