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shipping a Shotgun

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Hi Guys, Still looking out for my first shotgun but have been lucky enough to try out quite a few different types so pretty much know what I am after :good: .


Like allot of people I defo like a 30'' M/M but after a cheeky go on someone 32' Browning GTI Ultra XS and hitting 23/25 on skeet I nearly changed my mind.. :P


I appreciate that it is always better to try a gun out for feel and function but if I spot one at the other end of the country that I know I will like is it possible to courier it? I keep seeing adverts that say + RFD costs and I assume this stands for Registered firearms dealer but how does it actually work..Especially in the case of a private sale?


Sorry if this is a question that has come up many times before, I tried searching but couldn't seem to find anything. :welcomeani:


Anyone on here clay shoot around Derby?

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The private seller takes the gun to rfd who arranges a courier to another rfd in the country (they fax each other a copy of their certificate), you let the gun shop know who will be picking the gun up and they hand it over for a handling fee to said owner on production of cert. It really is as simple as that hope this helps


steve b

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brilliant, thanks for that. so i guess the key thing there is to just get in with a local RFD and see what the costs will be. most of the dealers i have met have been a friendly bunch so i guess it should be ok!


à guess i just need to fator in the handling costs and the transport on top of the gun price..anyone got any idea what this normally comes in at? Obviously transport will vary if someone has any examples of what it cost them it would be appreciated.



Edited by Boondougal
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