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The way i see it is this, i will happily list somthing that is worth £100 on ebay for £1 no reserve as i know it will fetch a good price, any other auction sites i would basically put a starting bid somewhere around my asking price and be happy to get just one bid on it. I've been a member since you advertised the site on the bbs's but havent brought or sold anything there yet. I suppose it all goes back to the traffic/regestered members thing. This £20 deal sounds good to me, is that £20 per item or am i reading it wrong? :huh:

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The way i see it is this, i will happily list somthing that is worth £100 on ebay for £1 no reserve as i know it will fetch a good price, any other auction sites i would basically put a starting bid somewhere around my asking price and be happy to get just one bid on it. I've been a member since you advertised the site on the bbs's but havent brought or sold anything  there yet. I suppose it all goes back to the traffic/regestered members thing. This £20 deal sounds good to me, is that £20 per item or am i reading it wrong? :huh:



Of the two methods of listing, the second is definately preferable on gundeals as we dont have the volume of users to generate a bidding war..


Re the £20, the way it works is this:


When you register on gundeals you are assigned a credit account against which all fees are charged. Currently the opening accounts are set at £0.00 so all fees accrued are payable by the account holder.


For a standard listing (ie not Bold, highlighted or featured) the fee would be 3% of the final selling price (assuming the item is sold) if it isnt then for a standard listing no fee would be payable.


My offer to PW Forum members is to offer to add £20 to the credit account, so based on sale price fees of 3% this means £600 worth of items could be sold without any fees becoming payable.


If however you wanted to add enhancements to the auction, these would be deducted from the £20, which would reduce the credit balance.


Details of all the normal fees can be found here:




I hope that answers your question..




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went on this week and hbid on and won a couple of items. I shall certainly be using the service again. ( if me goods come). You do e-mail with the details dont you?




You should have received a confirmation email when the auction closed - I can see 1 item you've won, the other item you bid on has 2 days left till it closes




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As part of our efforts to widen the visibility of gundeals (esp. as many members hadn't heard of us) we have installed a new reciprocal link system.


Of course PW is already listed, but if any members have home pages, or belong to other clubs/associations, please make use of the links facility.


You can find it here: http://www.gundeals.co.uk/links




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