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Anyone been out on the rivers?


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Things have been slow for me locally. Not much rising but have had few smallish brownies on dry and today a good grayling of 1lb. i plan to check it out some evening work allowing. Am sure there was more surface feeding fish in May previous years. How are you chaps doing? Cheers and Tight Lines.

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Have been out with my grandfather on his syndicate reservoir twice in the past couple of weeks. Massive numbers of mayfly about, because of his age we fish in the afternoons when it has been quite hot and tricky. But I would imagine that things are very active at the surface in the evenings. Going to tie up some drys, and get some of that potion for them. We used gold headed nymphs retrieved slowly to good effect, others had were employing the fail safe damsel.

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I aint been fishing myself but I usually see loads of fisherman all the way along the River Leven and I saw my first fish in their Im no fisherman but I think it was a young trout.


I must try it myself one day as I have been given a fly rod and some equipment by an old friend.


And I never seen so many May flies before.


Anyway lads and girls hope you having a fantastic fishing and hope you all catch some biggons.




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