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Sent off for the FAC

Browning GTS

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I`ve just applied for my fac in .22lr and .17 hmr. i think the .17 will be the gun i go for first if i get it granted, i know there is the sako quad that will take care of both calibers, but he one i fancy at the moment is the Savage 93R17- BTVS with the laminated thumbhole stock as advertised in Sporting Shooter and a few other gun mags. Has anyone any experience of these, and what they are like please?

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Not sure about the Savage, but I hear the accutrigger models are great. Sako quad has many fans and does indeed look a great rifle.


Problem you'll have getting the .17HMR first like I did is, its so ****** good you'll find yourself wondering why you need a .22 rifle other that to fill the slot and keep the FEO happy!


Since I've had mine it's been awesome out to 150+m in daylight, I added a Cobra Merlin NV (originally planned as my reason for .22lr) and it's simply breathtaking at night aswell. For hunting/vermin control the .17HMR really is my one tool for every job, it's not jack of all, it's master of all trades!.


I've got a .22lr now, but it's much more of a fun gun, bought because it looked nice more than anything, was cheap and filled the slot. Will come more in handy this winter I guess when it's raining I'll try and sort out club membership and go punch paper with it, but honestly I'd use the HMR for everything else!

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If I had to choose between my HMR and my .22, I'd take the latter any day. I accept that the HMR is a useful tool, but it is noisy and indiscreet when shooting around livestock and residential areas. A lot of people underestimate the capabilities of the little .22. It's perfectly good out to 100 yards, and a lot of people use them at longer distances than that.


Browning, I have an Anschutz HMR that is astonishingly accurate, if a little plain to look at. I really like the look of the Savage BTVS though and it can't have been awarded 'Gun of the Year' last year for nothing. But then I also like the Sako Quad, particularly the Varmint model. It just exudes quality.

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