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Ice your very welcome to come to Border Guns PSG club, we are not in Wales but as the name sugests we are almost there, it is not far from Bishops Castle in Shropshire & we would be very pleased to show you the real game, we could even video it for the guys on here to see how well you did. drop me a line & I will organise it for you.


Its unlikely you will meet the guy who filmed himself loading on a clay ground, he is an American & I agree they have no dress sense :good: not only that he is making a bad job of loading the gun.


The last video concerns me a lot,this guy claims he has slug for PSG & yet he is shooting at fence posts, I suspect he is in breech of his certificate conditions, because slug must be used on authorised ranges only & is a good example of what I was talking about earlier in this thread that many people and some clubs are doing there own thing which creates a bad image of the sport & the prejudice that you are displaying here.



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You can try these clubs of which only Carlisle contribute to the UKPSA match circuit, the others will offer smaller club level shoots.


Guisboro Gun Club

Empire Shooting Sports Club

South West Lancs Pistol Club

Carlisle Small Arms Club

Blackburn Rifle & Pistol Club


I have nothing more to add here as it is clear that the perception of PSG is one of using cut down pump actions & talk of a tactical side to it, neither of which is in the slightest bit true, we have a great time and shoot many rounds in a day all very safely, im sure some of you think if you throw enough mud some of it will stick just because you are not interested in it, likewise we are not interested in people who cannot be serious around guns, some on here seem determined to get this thread closed but if the time wasters will leave it alone then perhaps it may be a usefull thread to those who have a real interest.




Thanks Neil, it's something I quite fancy having a try at one day.


Don't be put off by the replys, I'm sure there's no harm meant. Especially Mung - he is the PW Baron Of Banter.



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