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ferrets for sale


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My mates jill has just had a litter of kits. There are 6 in total not sure how many of what yet. I am keeping two hobs for myself but the rest are to go. I also have two hobs about a year old to go to, only to make room for the two new ones, but they are good workers and very tame. Looking for £5 each email me if your interested. Cheers.


Carlisle Cumbria

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Only reason Im letting the other two go is cos I bred my best hob with my mates best jill so they should be 100%. I suppose Im taking a risk by letting the other two go but I havent got work for 6 ferrets and I dont think it would be fair to keep them all. Like I say the two Im loosing are still spot on but I want to see how this mating turns out.

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