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If You Do Get a Permission

Browning GTS

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Yippee. I have just got another 260 acre permission today :rolleyes: One of my farmers phoned up this week to say my FEO had just called re my FAC application and it was all hunky-Dorry, and one of his mates was getting hit by the corvids, would i like to go over? Um yes. So off i go this morning after a cup of tea he gave me a ride around the boundaries and then printed out a map of the farm.


When i was talking to him i asked him does anyone else shoot here? He said no but i did have a bloke who used to come. The trouble was he asked if he could bring a mate but a mate turned into 4 or 5 ! And they used to turn up with out him ( the permission holder ), and just walk past him in the yard with out even a hello, and they also used to leave spent carts around the place, and other litter. So some advice to any of you who do get a permission, LOOK AFTER IT not easy come, but easy go!! <_<


Anyway i went down to the barley field being hit and had a couple of crows and jackdaws, and noticed it was alive with pigeons so going again in a few days. ;)

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