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Start off close. maybe five yards Dont start too far away because a missed target tell you nothing.

Shoot three rounds at a cross on a paper target. One could be lucky, two a coincidence but three is the minimum to be sure.

Take the covers off the two adjusters, top and side.

If you missed below right, use the top adjuster to bring the cross hairs (recticule) up a bit and the side one to bring it across

try about 10 clicks initially.

Shoot three more and adjust again until you are putting all three pretty nearly through the cross.

Change to a clean target with cross in same position

Now go back about 15 yards and shoot 3 more. If youre lucky, youll have walked from point blank to point zero and still be on target. If not, no matter, adjust as before. The closer your groups are to the cross, the smaller the number of clicks needed to make a difference.

Once you are happy at that distance, measure out your usual killing distance (say 25 yds) and zero again.

Having done that, go back ten and forwards ten and note what a difference that would make to your kill rate if you used the cross hairs at those ranges. Write it on a bit of paper and stick to the stock (35 yards shoots 3" low 15 yards shoots 2" high or whatever).

Put the covers back on the adjusters and practice. make notes on the effects of cross winds too

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the above is fine for air rifles. If you are doing a rimfire or centerfire, start at 25 yards and use a 3' x 3' piece of cardboard. Decide how you want the gun to be sighted and where you want your zero to be. 25 yards is enough to get it on paper and close. From there you'll have to decide where you want to zero it (which will determine your secondary zero). Put a target in the middle and fire one shot at the center of the target. If you've decided that you want to be 1" high at 25, then make the full amount of adjustments to get you from the bullet hole to where you want to be. For instance, if the bullet impact is 3" low and 2" right, then you want the impact to come up 3" and left 2". Assuming 25 yards and 1/4" clicks, you'll need 32 clicks left and 48 clicks up. After you make the adjustment, take another shot and see how close you are. You should be within an inch or so of where you want to be. If so then fire 2 more shots to confirm. If you are on where you want to be, great. If not make another adjustment. You don't need to fire 3 and 5 shot groups to get it close. You do need to shoot 3-5 shots once you are close to really dial it in.




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