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to jerrico who lives not far from t r robb gun shop and was wondering if you could help me purchase a new air rifle and send it to me.whould be very grateful.and there whould be adrink in it for you.i will pay all costs/ie.city link .dhl.etc.new rules rules make things awkward.and his dvd.s are ****

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I had this message in pm as well :unsure:


Am I right in thinking that even though we have never met you want me to give you my address so you can send me money to purchase a rifle thus making it second hand and legal to post to you for the prize of a drink? <breath>


I don't even know if I can be bothered to answer this post properly but I'm in doubt whether your a suitable candidate for playing bingo let alone shooting, you want a favour like this yet cant even spell my name right :hmm:




Mods, please move this topic to the playpen ???

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to jerrico who lives not far from t r robb gun shop and was wondering if you could help me purchase a new air rifle and send it to me.whould be very grateful.and there whould be adrink in it for you.i will pay all costs/ie.city link .dhl.etc.new rules rules make things awkward.and his dvd.s are ****


You keep sending messages via the 'report' link and not the 'add reply' link.

I have sent you a PM about this, can you please make sure you use the correct link at the bottom of each post pleeeaase - thanks.

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to start .i may have sent a report about you (by mistake)any way this is what i wrote.the reason i asked you is because you offered to send a barrel to someone in scotland.i have dealt with terry robb for many years,but he cannot send the whole rifle through the post.because of new rules.sorry if i insulted you yesterday,but my drink is £50.and the gun shops down here dont stock the hw 50.i am on oxygen,12 hours a day following recent throat opp for cancer.hope i can do buinsness with you and if ther is anythingyou need from south wales let me know. if not will call up to see terry when better.

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I am not a business so therefore I cannot do business, passing on a barrel to a long standing member and buying and posting a whole rifle to somebody I don't know is completely different kettle of fishy wishy entirely.


Good luck in your search but I'm afraid I cannot help you :blush:

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