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  • 3 weeks later...
dont worry yourself about not understanding me message hawkeye :lol::hmm: heard all about you and country boy slaging the people new to pigeon shooting, there just trying to get a bit help from more expirienced shooters like your so called self,..i have been shooting twenty eight years and dont need to listen to that ********..get a life...a wont be posting again on this site because of the way people are getting treat..i paid for my year in nppc in april,but a wont be again,i still have 8 month to run but i no longer want to be associated with nppc...so for that reason am out :good::yes: good p.s..hope that you can understand this message,like to say it has been fun but it hasnt,just a waste of my cash..good bye.


I would like you to show me where i have slagged of people new to pigeon shooting the only people i slag off are them that are to bloody idle to type and use text




I have a great life mate and the fact you are not going to post again is up to you, Seems you like to spit your dummy out.


If you check my posts you will see i have helped people when i can and if nothing else you have typed this and i can read it so it only shows you can do it..


Best of luck and to be honest i think its you that needs to get a life...if you cannot take any critisism :lol: :lol: :lol:


PS forgot to mention why dont you tell the real reason you will not be joining the NPPC when your renewal comes up ...

Edited by hawkeye
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