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midland semi auto


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I bought one a couple of weeks ago as a "knock about" gun and have used it a couple of times so far.


I really like it. This is the first semi I have had but am quite impressed.


As to the 28 grams, I cannot answer that one as the stock of cartridges I have are 32 gram sixes. They cycle fine but are nearly finished.


I have just bought some 28 grams and will be trying them out this weekend, weather permiting.



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For Mossy835 and anyone else who is interested.


"Does the Midland semi auto cycle 28g cartridges?" Yes but very poorly.


I went out on Sunday but we had gale force winds up here and no grain has been cut on any of my permissions yet.


To get a shot and try to answer the above question I put out the magnet and a dozen shell decoys on a recently cut silage field next to a small clump of trees.


Action was not thick and fast but I did manage 12 ferals in a couple of hours. This could have been a good few more if the second shell hadn't managed to stick every other time. On a few occassions I got off two shots and once I even got all three but more often than not there was a jam.


Having previously used the 32g shells, there was no problems at all.


From this experience, I have had the age old lesson reinforced - Always feed your gun with what it likes. From now on, the 28's will be kept for my Browning o/u.


If you want a gun for light loads, don't buy the Midland.



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  • 1 year later...

I use one of these, Midland demon, walnut , with flush and extended chokes.


never had an issue with cycling, i use it for clay shooting only.

i use 7.5 28gr loads of both plastic and fiber.


only cart ive had problems with is gamebore whitegolds, these jam all the time,


im currently using , kent velocity fibres and not a single jam,

also use express english sporting plastic, no jams.


i have used in the past, blue diamonds, no issue with them, eley blues, both plastic and fibre, no issues.

comp x , eley first plastics are fine, but fibre tend to be 1 in every 3 jam.


to be honest i can fault the gun, pick it up as new, for £250 , it has only had 25 shells through it.


all in all a great cheap gun, and the wood looks great..

Edited by madjocksco
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