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I've been out twice in the past week the first time culling some grey squirrels in a plantation on my mates farm with the hw100, i love it, the morning session we got 3 the 1st was foraging on the floor at 30 foot and i got it through the eye then i couldn't hit anything else then my mate got 2 out the same tree. Then after some dinner we went to check some woods and i got another 6 and my mate got 3. Funny how you can hit something bang on target then hit nothing for a couple of hours. The other morning i woke up at first light and couldn't get back to sleep so i grabbed the rabbit stopper and had a walk to my closest permission as soon as i got there i saw a pigeon on his roof so i raised the scope and settled the crosshairs on it and bang it was down, then i walked down to his barn and got another 2, 3 and not even in a field yet so i decided to walk the wood line, nothing in the first two fields then i saw a rabbit sitting out so i stalked to about 40 yards and dropped it when i picked it up it had myxi. I went on the back fields and got a further 3 pigeons then the co2 bottle ran out, sick of my life but i had a good week except for the rain

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