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What a difference 3 days make


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Shot a field of Rape stubble on Saturday. 100's of Pigeon all over it. Managed to get on the fight line and they were coming down the field every 3 or 4 minutes.


Ended up with 67 and a crow. So quite satisfied with that.


Thought we would "rest" the field for a few days.


Went back today at 8.00 am armed with a case of Cartridges. Put up about a dozen as I drove across the field but couldn't see many about. Set up on Saturdays "Pigeon motorway" and waited- 1 hour later and not a single Pigeon had come within 500 yards of me and I had only seen about half a dozen in the distance.


Packed up and moved to another field and managed 40 but they really did not want to come to the decoys.


But what really got me was the complete transformation of the first field I set up on. 3 days ago it was alive with Pigeon and today it was absolutely deserted.

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well, u get a couple of 0000 pigeons ona field, they can clear it within days, that might have been on the field for 3-4 days before u first **** it, if u open there crop and see the amount of rape in it, its not that surprising then, also if when u were shooting and they settled on another field with the same food, and they havent been disturbed since there is no need for them to go back!



Edited by Stillsy
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