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heres what lives in there..


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you should be ashamed of youself.you have just been on a killing spree and posted pictures of your trophy`s. were just envious mate,pst keep it to yorself but if you need any 1 to help pick the carnage up my number is.Not realy well done its not very often we get to see quality bags like that.by the way what camera did you use some realy good pics.paul

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ah know mate..lol..i flog meself with the antlers everday as a punishmeant ..lol...and the cameras a samsung l600 i think...argos..lol



fair play to you billyo you might be inadequate with field craft and shooting but at least you have got a sense of humour sorry i realy am jealous as i expect are others that have seen your pics.i realy hate you.ps if you are not too far from me and you need to borrow a mincer for them lovely looking beasts i got 1 that can mince about 200kilo`s per hour if you ever fancy doing some game burgers or sausage i will look up that camera and i still bloody hate you atvb paul

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lol this is a cross i'll just have to bare paul.....its funny but all the pauls i know are always a bit dodgy in the heed..lol... :good: ...lol...but i'll forgive ya that..lol..ah think in this game if youv not got a sence ah humour you should give it up eh..lol...the only time im serous is just as im about to squeeze the trigger when i see one of them lads....they do quite a bit of damage here, so theyv to be thinned out a bit..but dont worry, lol...most of the hinds and calfs are left and only the stags and prickets are on the hit list for now, theres a lot of broad leaf trees being planted and conifers as well, plus they hammer the turnips at night...so just keep your mincer warmed up...lol..ya never know... :hmm:

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p a s...do ya think you mincer could handle this mate..lol....


gulp" it says on the instructions for intermitent use if we praps done it over a week it would.


lol this is a cross i'll just have to bare paul.....its funny but all the pauls i know are always a bit dodgy in the heed..lol...


not just the heads dodgy mate

nice healthy environment you got there,is that a carpenters saw you using on that beasts coat.dont tell me you used a yankee screwdriver as a pithing cane paul

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