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Cheap Gun Slip & Auto Safe Flag


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Without wishing to tempt fate, are you saying it's free? Well the Braintree meet is this Saturday so if you're coming to that then bring it along. Cheers! :lol:









P.S. Does any have Mungler's phone number, i think someone should tell him his kids are on the PC giving his stuff away.

Edited by Markio
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Yarse tis free.


I didn't say you were getting the nice new one I got for a song (£22 but £20 for cash) last weekend.


Oh no, you will get the tatty green one which I never use with the temperamental zip and is currently occupying valuable hanging space which now must be vacated to make way for said new slip.




Mark, I hear Braintree is now pants and more to the point I believe it's a syndicate work party day. PM me your address and I'll get someone ( :lol: ) in my office to rinse it through the franking machine and post it to you. That reminds me, I am supposed to be sending Pavman a spare sunshade for his scope, but that's round, big and won't fit in a jiffy bag and is therefore something I have been putting off as a hassle that will require card board and brown tape. Thinking about it, I will just have to get someone to sort both out tomorrow ???

Edited by Mungler
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Yarse tis free.


I didn't say you were getting the nice new one I got for a song (£22 but £20 for cash) last weekend.


Oh no, you will get the tatty green one which I never use with the temperamental zip and is currently occupying valuable hanging space which now must be vacated to make way for said new slip.


Perfect! ??? Cheers fella. You coming on Saturday?

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