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Looking to sell my Browning Ultra xs, but how much?


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Well yeah, as the title says, I want to sell my Browning Ultra XS, but honestly I dont know how much I could get for it. :rolleyes:


It's in good condition, I have all the accesories etc, but could someone give me any help on how much I could sell it for? I hear it's worth a decent amount.


Shooting just isn't for me anymore, I don't feel like doing it after my father passed away :lol:

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Well yeah, as the title says, I want to sell my Browning Ultra XS, but honestly I dont know how much I could get for it. :rolleyes:


It's in good condition, I have all the accesories etc, but could someone give me any help on how much I could sell it for? I hear it's worth a decent amount.


Shooting just isn't for me anymore, I don't feel like doing it after my father passed away :lol:


Dont give up a sport that gave you so much pleasure. When my dad died, i gave up shooting for ten years for precisely the same reasons and now i very much regrette packing it all in . Just remember the good times you and your dad spent in the field together

Atb and welcome the site

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I just use the gun sorry dont know what the barrel length etc, still a newbie in a way, but I will find out all info about the gun tommorow from the person who keeps it for me.


It was a hard decision deciding whether I'd sell the gun and and leave the shooting scene, but I've decided that I am going to sell.


I'd be happy to sell it for a grand, so if anyones interested, or knows anyone who'd be interested i'll post the info tommorow for you to read :rolleyes:

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Had a word with the gun keeper, he said the Ultra XS is either a 32" or a 31" but he will check and let me know soon.


I also am looking to sell my 20g Lincoln Premier if anyone is interested, also having the barrel length checked for that, good condition. Hoping to sell that for around £390-£410 if anyone is interested in that one too.

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