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Change in my dog


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A while back when I take him out for a walk and he see's another dog running about he straight off chasing it (playful way). But for a while now especially today he saw two sheepdogs chasing tennis balls across the field and I thought that has got to get him chasing them. But he just looked at them to see what they were doing and carried on walking in front of me. I was just surprised.


Before, I socialised him wrong I took him out with another dog that was just a puppy as well and thats where the problem was. I stopped this as I read in a book that you do not socialise a puppy/junior with another dog that is less than 2 years old, as they wind each other up and distract eachother, while an adult dog will put the pup in its place.


Now this has done the job my dog seems to know where he stands, when he see's other dogs he glances or just looks at them for a wee while then carries on.


Another thing that has changed in him is manoeuvrability before I was feeding him two meals a day I got told that he was a bit over weight as when he went out beating for the first time he was bit slow and got tired quickly. Now I feed him once a day and he is looking great he can now run faster and is very good at jumping over the heather.


As this is my first dog I trained myself I am not expecting him to be the best but he is doing great, I cant believe that I have trained him to do all this stuff, he can flush, he can pick up and now listens to me 95% of the time. Im just so amazed all that time and effort in teaching him and its payed off. I am going to have to make sure he fathers a litter of pups so I can train another one of him up, just got to find a suitable bitch for him.


Thanks for reading if you could understand me :good:



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