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Beating in Yorkshire


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Hi all, I'd just like to offer my help to any syndicates looking for extra beaters this season. I'm a keen game shot of 15 years myself, yet didn't quite have sufficient funds available to re-join my local syndicate this year! I'd love to be able to get out and about this winter and would also love the oportunity to meet a few new folks!


I know beggars can't be choosers, but proximity to York would be great! Thanks.

Edited by dcliff
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I think you can still go on the NOBs website and look at the list of beating opportunities that are available and then if you see any near you you could sign up and apply?


I found some beating through there about 30 miles from me and also found some through a guy who frequents many of the shooting forums.


You could also try PuBS which is a new site but which aims to do everything for free. Helpful bunch on there.

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There was talk that only paid up members would be able to view the website, seems things are going a bit awry over at NOBs and they keep coming up with new ridiculous rules, but for £5 I thought what the hell lets see what they can do and it worked for me.

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