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DAMPA mounts

::-Blue Fe@ther Sniper-::

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aw m8! :D i ordered it this morning sorry :angry:


but if you go to optics warehouse www.opticswarehouse.com if you order any hawke scope it comes with free mounts but if you order a dampa mount its £19.95 extra but i think it replaces your free mounts.


So order a cheap hawke scope and get free butler creek flip ups with it and the dampa mount and its free shipping! but because your in india it will be a bit more, mine was £3 shipping because of the mount but i wokred it all out for you and if you get this:


hawke sport HD 4x32 with butler creek flip ups

Dampa mount


it will cost you £45 shipped, so if you can sell the scope for even £20 youve got 1 for £25 but maybe buy a 3-9x40 and you could sell it easy


sorry for the inconvenience but i think you can only order 1 with every hawke scope you buy



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:D oh M8......My BAD LUCK....


I can't Import a Scope in india although i need one :angry:


My Bad luck


Hey Taylor neway thanxx a lot. but can't u order afterwards. I mean after ordereing scope can't u order mounts...for your scope. If they are getting money i think they ll be happy to sell...


Thanxx Again Taylor...


So please if anyone else got a surplus DAMPA mounts and can ship to india. Please consider me ....



::-Blue Fe@ther Sniper-:: Aka Inder.

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