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hi all i will admit when airborne9 says we didnt get a record bag i think he was just trying to be polite,as it turned out we had a **** day but you wont shoot pigeons sat in front of the telly will ya.got on the field about 8ish and we did put a few pigeons up. i helped airborne9 (marty)set up then i got myself set up. but the truth is I had picked the wrong day.the sun was blazing down,i had given the most prolific spot to marty and set myself up on the opposite left hedge row,as i said the sun was blazing i couldnt see hardly anything in the sky without squinting.i decided to turn my patern and seat out of the direct sun but it was hopeless,the sun was even making my silo sock decs look like mirrors.any way we decided to rap up at 12 o clock.i did manage to bag a blackie for my troubles.i realy felt for marty as he had driven up from suffolk just to shoot about 6 carts into the sky,but he has family up this part of the country so paid them a visit so not a total waste for him.and to sum up marty is another good lad arived on time, no messing about,and didnt moan about the lack of sport.thanks for the mention marty and the goodie bag.which wasnt required.atb bud and a pleasure in meeting you.paul

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anyone reading newbie reports regarding p-a-s should be aware that if you go along to an invite of his (p-a-s), then practice your baking, on my first visit to paul, he baked me a very nice "beetroot" cake ( :good: ) and hopefully i returned the favour with some homemade ginger biscuits :good:??( he needs the calories to keep his adonis body going :D )


Only joking, it is fantastic that these xperienced guys are offering to take us out and teach us some bits, i know there have been a few threads on the subject, but as a newbie i cannot praise these guys enough.


Keep up the good work, and i hope the biccies were ok :oops:

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