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Trying out different pellets


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I headjobbed a squirrel this afternoon with the .22 XS78 with AA Hunters in the magazine. Single shot straight through.


I then thought that I would see the penetrative effect of firing different pellets at the corpse to gauge the most effective at 15 metres.


AA Hunter pointed - Head - straight through, as above.

- Body - straight through


Bisley pest hollow point - Head - penetrated

- Body - stuck in the fur


JSB Predator plastic point - Head - penetrated

- Body - penetrated


H & N pointed - Head - penetrated

- Body - penetrated


I then had to stop as I'd rather mashed it up


Not very scientific, but gave me a bit of a guide - so AA Hunters it is!

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Unscientific indeed! Don't fancy the site of the squirrel by the time you'd finished! :oops:


I've always found a phonebook against a board is a pretty good measure of hitting power provided you are hitting roughly the same distance up i.e. place teh phonebook agains a board, spine pointing upwards and fire into it at teh same height, an inch or two apart.

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Yes, already done that with a phone book and a soft-timber backboard - but this time I took the opportunity to test pellet choice out on a real body.


The difference in effect between the head and the chest/body was quite notable


True the squirrel wasn't a pretty sight afterwards

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Hi mate,

If it's going straight through you have more than enough penetration and you're not delivering as much energy to the target as possible. Round heads are better all round hunting pellets - plenty penetration, more stopping power. Saying that, if you hit it in the head in the right spot it won't matter what shape the pellet is! I would choose a pellet that is consistently accurate in your rifle instead.





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