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Loads of deer; including WHITEY'S


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I understand the point behind the shoot, I was (as a new starter in this hobby) trying to work out the logistics involved.

Kind regards,




Certainly not something to take on a whim, and a lot of hard work for the years ahead. An accurate count to start with, then are there any wild Deer that can gain access to the ground and so put another blood line into the herd that is there already.

Once the count is made then it's time to put a cull plan into place, certainly none of the bigger bucks need to taken unless they are injured or very old, then the main cull would be Doe's and prickets, and then next august a more structured cull plan could be drawn up.


With a head of 70 deer, if you halved it and said 35 bucks and 35 does, then next spring you could have at least 25 fawns born (or 35 if all the doe's gave birth) to keep the numbers stable you would have to cull at least 30 per annum, but then you need to look for older animals, the weak/sick/injured etc.

Then there is the disposal of the gralloch head/feet/skin etc, there is certainly a lot more to it.

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