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A little help please (again)


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Hope some one can help.


I was looking for a "STORMKLOTH SUIT 4 PIECE SUIT" you know the one, mega blow out job, £39.99.


The auction site has some, item no: 160293839664, but not in my size. I was told a XL or 2XL would suit me but cant find any stock anywhere and wondered if anyone had any sugestions.


Thought I would give the kit a try as it looks great for the money.

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www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk did the suits for a while, they may still have some in stock.....


Just a word of caution though - they are not waterproof as I've found out........




I agree that they're not waterproof. Often got soaked in the Stormkloth stuff I have, they may be light shower proof, or go prone on a damp spot for a shot proof, but a decent bit of water from the sky, you may as well wear jeans and a shirt.


That and they're too hot unless it's bloody freezing out.

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