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Ruger M77

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I have a ruger m77 mk1 .243 varmint, that has a damaged chamber, as such the rifle needs rebareled or rechambered. Both of these options are not appealing to me. Therefore I have decided to sell the rifle for spare parts. I wont pretend it was expensive when i bought it, so I dont have an idea as to its value, I do know it wont be alot. I damaged the chamber myself with a drill bit, trying to remove a stuck cleening patch. It was a good rifle before that.

It still shoots, but the brass cartridge case swells to fit the damaged area of the chamber.


If anybody is interested in the rifle or spare parts from it them let me know, as it is in good condition otherwise.


Also I have a Reflex T8 for sale that was fitted to the rifle that has had a genuine 200 shots through it. it is stamped 0307. It is for upto .25cal and is 5/8" thread. I would have kept this moderator but the thread is different on my replacement tikka. Whats a fair price?


Thanks now



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